
Oh no! We're having trouble displaying this Scratch project.
If you are on a mobile phone or tablet, try visiting this project on a computer.
If you're on a computer, your Flash player might be disabled, missing, or out of date. Visit this page to update Flash.

Malta Dili

Oh no! Aħna qed trouble wara wiri dan il-proġett scratch.
Jekk inti fuq il-mowbajl jew pillola, ipprova jżuru dan il-proġett fuq il-kompjuter.
Jekk int fuq kompjuter, Flash player tiegħek jista jkun inattivat, nieqsa, jew skadut. Żur din il-paġna biex taġġorna Flash.

(5000 karakter kaldı)
Malta Dili


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